Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day!

Watched the celebrations feom Ottawa Very Good. The Queen amazes me, especially walking up and down stairs. I am certain she has had a knee replacement, my knees aren't as old and I do stairs one at a time. Daughter decided being Canada Day they should plant a tree, so off to the garden centre we went. What a selection, when you live in this climate, anthing grows. They bought a Spartan Apple Tree a meter and half in height and it has one apple on it, and are now busy planting. They also have a flat of Snap Dragons and Purple Sage. This is late for here but they too have had a cool spring. Here the weather is cool and a bit of rain.

Yesterday was a nice partly sunny day. Daughter and husband live in Mission, BC which is a good hours drive from here. Drove into Vancouver last evening, you wouldn't believe the traffic coming out, three lanes wide stretching for miles and not moving! Had dinner and then went for a drive. We dove up (with many switch backs) Mount Seymour in North Vancouver. A first for all of us. The temperature dropped as we climbed. Stopped at a viewpoint to take pictures, and encountered black flies. Mount Baker, Vancouver city, and even Vancouver Island was visible.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about your time in Vancouver, keep writing! Christine
