Left the kitchen in the big house, Old Farm Machines. A trappers cabin dates from the 1930's.
I have family and friends all through western Canada. Flew here to attend a surprise 60th wedding anniversary for old friends, who had relocated to this city to be near family. Their one complaint was 'we miss old friends', sadly so many have died, in care homes, too old to travel. That is what happens when we become octogenarians! We spent a pleasant evening mainly reminiscing and enjoying great food, which included porogies and cabbage rolls. Their nephew from Winnipeg presented then with a loaf of Rye Bread, and a ring of Garlic Sausage, made in Winnipeg of course and to all folk from that city is the best in the world. You can't find good rye bread in either Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. Winnipeg Air Port has a stall which sells Rye Bread to departing visitors.
I have family and friends all through western Canada. Flew here to attend a surprise 60th wedding anniversary for old friends, who had relocated to this city to be near family. Their one complaint was 'we miss old friends', sadly so many have died, in care homes, too old to travel. That is what happens when we become octogenarians! We spent a pleasant evening mainly reminiscing and enjoying great food, which included porogies and cabbage rolls. Their nephew from Winnipeg presented then with a loaf of Rye Bread, and a ring of Garlic Sausage, made in Winnipeg of course and to all folk from that city is the best in the world. You can't find good rye bread in either Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. Winnipeg Air Port has a stall which sells Rye Bread to departing visitors.
Today Tuesday the 28th , I finally figured out how to edit a blog! you push post, then check your blog and the edit button and here I am. Where are my grandchildren when I need them? More about my trip west, my brother has a small motor home so off on our trip to Green Lake, which took us two days, most people could make it in one day, but at our age what is the rush. Stopped at Mount Robson and the peak was covered in cloud, and at Vale mount we saw salmon spawning
My three brothers and their wives and I gathered at Brother Ted's cabin on the shore of Green Lake. It was a fun time, a little cool with rain, but no complaints! We visited the 108 mile Heritage Museum. (70 Mile House, 100 Mile House, are towns so named being that distance from the starting point of Lilliout ) These places were situated at these points on the old Caribou Trail, and were rest stops for the many seeking a fortune during the Caribou Gold Rush of the 1860's. see pictures. We toured some of the back country, split rail fences, cattle, swamp, all ranch country, saw white tail deer.
This part of British Columbia has been devastated by the Pine Beetle , vast areas of trees are dead and dying. They have found a use for these pine trees, the lumber turns a shade of blue when sawn, now known as 'denium' and is used in the manufacturing of certain lines of furniture.
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